/* Bucky: Gopher <-> HTTP proxy for Bucktooth server */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gopher.h" #include "config.h" #define BUCKDCOM BUCKD" -isproxy -proxy=2F%s -proxyip=%s" #define BUCKDCOM_MAXLEN 1024 #define HTMLSTR_MAXLEN 512 #define URLSTR_MAXLEN 512 /* Copy and hex encode a string. * This will always require hs to be able to hold a string of at least strlen(str) * 2 chars. */ void hexstrcpy(char *hs, char *str) { size_t i; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { sprintf(hs + i * 2, "%.2x", str[i]); } } /* Copy a string, making it HTML-safe */ void htmlstrncpy(char *html, char *str, size_t num) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; str[i] && j < num; i++, j++) { if (str[i] == '<') { strncpy(html + j, "<", 4); j += 3; } else if (str[i] == '>') { strncpy(html + j, ">", 4); j += 3; } else if (str[i] == ' ') { strncpy(html + j, " ", 6); j += 5; } else if (str[i] == '"') { strncpy(html + j, """, 6); j += 5; } else { html[j] = str[i]; } } html[j] = '\0'; } /* Copy a string, making it URL-safe */ void urlstrncpy(char *url, char *str, size_t num) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; str[i] && j < num; i++, j++) { if (str[i] == '?') { strncpy(url + j, "%3F", 3); j += 2; } else if (str[i] == '\t') { strncpy(url + j, "%09", 3); j += 2; } else if (str[i] == '#') { strncpy(url + j, "%23", 3); j += 2; } else if (str[i] == '<') { strncpy(url + j, "%3C;", 3); j += 2; } else if (str[i] == '>') { strncpy(url + j, "%3E", 3); j += 2; } else if (str[i] == '"') { strncpy(url + j, "%22", 3); j += 2; } else { url[j] = str[i]; } } url[j] = '\0'; } /* Copy a URL-safe string, unescaping it */ void unurlstrncpy(char *str, char *url, size_t num) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; url[i] && j < num; ++i, ++j) { if (url[i] == '+') { str[j] = ' '; } else if (strncmp(url + i, "%3A", 3) == 0) { str[j] = ':'; i += 2; } else if (strncmp(url + i, "%2F", 3) == 0) { str[j] = '/'; i += 2; } else { str[j] = url[i]; } } str[j] = '\0'; } /* Read up to next occurence of character */ int read_to(FILE *buckd, char str[], int n, char to) { int i, c; for (i = 0; (c = fgetc(buckd)) != to && i < n; i++) { str[i] = c; } str[i] = '\0'; return i; } /* Print a menu item as HTML */ void print_menu_item(char type, char *display, char *selector, char *host, unsigned port) { char html_display[HTMLSTR_MAXLEN], url_string[URLSTR_MAXLEN]; /* Escape naughty characters in the display string so it's HTML-friendly */ htmlstrncpy(html_display, display, HTMLSTR_MAXLEN); /* Encode naughty characters in the URL */ urlstrncpy(url_string, selector, URLSTR_MAXLEN); printf(""); /* Inline resources (info, error) */ if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_INFO) { printf(""); printf(""); if (strcmp(html_display, "") == 0) { printf("
"); } else { printf("%s", html_display); } printf("
"); } else if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_ERROR) { printf(""); #ifdef GOPHER_ICONS printf("\"%s\"", gopher_item_icon(type), gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #else #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("%s", gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #else printf("
", gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #endif #endif printf(""); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf(""); #else printf("
"); #endif printf("%s", html_display); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf(""); #else printf("
"); #endif /* If the resource is external, provide a gopher:// URL */ } else if (strcmp(host, MY_HOST) != 0 || port != MY_PORT) { printf(""); if (port != DEFAULT_GOPHER_PORT) { printf("", host, port, type, url_string); } else { printf("", host, type, url_string); } #ifdef GOPHER_ICONS printf("\"%s\"", gopher_item_icon(type), gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #else #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("%s", gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #else printf("
", gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #endif #endif printf("
"); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf(""); #else printf("
"); #endif if (port != DEFAULT_GOPHER_PORT) { printf("", host, port, type, url_string); } else { printf("", host, type, url_string); } printf("%s", html_display); printf(""); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf(""); #else printf("
"); #endif /* Local resources get a relative URI. * If USE_REWRITE is enabled, this is relative to REWRITE_ROOT * otherwise, it is given as a QUERY_STRING to the CGI script */ } else { printf(""); /* Resources with special URIs */ if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_TELNET) { printf("", host, port); } else if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_TN3270) { printf("", host, port); } else if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_HTML && strncmp(url_string, "URL:", 4) == 0) { printf("", url_string + 4); } else { #ifdef USE_REWRITE printf("", REWRITE_ROOT, type, url_string); #else printf("", type, url_string); #endif } if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_HTML && strncmp(url_string, "URL:", 4) == 0) { #ifdef GOPHER_ICONS printf("\"%s\"", GOPHER_ICON_ROOT"/"GOPHER_HTTP_ICON, GOPHER_HTTP_ALT); #else #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("%s", GOPHER_HTTP_ALT); #else printf("
", GOPHER_HTTP_ALT); #endif #endif #ifdef INLINE_PICS } else if (inline_pic(type)) { /* No icon */ #endif } else { #ifdef GOPHER_ICONS printf("\"%s\"", gopher_item_icon(type), gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #else #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("%s", gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #else printf("
", gopher_item_icon_alt(type)); #endif #endif } printf("
"); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf(""); #else printf("
"); #endif /* Resources with special URIs */ if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_TELNET) { printf("", host, port); } else if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_TN3270) { printf("", host, port); } else if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_HTML && strncmp(url_string, "URL:", 4) == 0) { printf("", url_string + 4); } else { #ifdef USE_REWRITE printf("", REWRITE_ROOT, type, url_string); #else printf("", type, url_string); #endif } #ifdef INLINE_PICS if (inline_pic(type)) { #ifdef USE_REWRITE printf(""); } else { printf("%s", html_display); } #else printf("%s", html_display); #endif printf(""); #ifdef INLINE_SEARCH if (type == GOPHER_ITEM_SEARCH) { printf(" "); #ifdef USE_REWRITE printf("
", REWRITE_ROOT); #else printf(""); #endif printf("", selector); printf(" "); printf(""); printf("
"); } #endif #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("
"); #else printf("
"); #endif } printf("\r\n"); } /* Read output from buckd and parse a line of a menu. * Returns 1 if there are more lines to parse, * or 0 if the end of the menu has been reached. */ int handle_menu_line(FILE *buckd) { char display[DISPLAY_MAXLEN]; char selector[SELECTOR_MAXLEN]; char host[HOST_MAXLEN]; char port[PORT_MAXLEN]; int c; char type; c = fgetc(buckd); if (c == '.' || c == EOF) { return 0; } else { type = c; } /* Ignore empty/malformed lines */ if (type == '\n') { return 1; } else if (!isspace(type)) { read_to(buckd, display, DISPLAY_MAXLEN, '\t'); read_to(buckd, selector, SELECTOR_MAXLEN, '\t'); read_to(buckd, host, HOST_MAXLEN, '\t'); read_to(buckd, port, PORT_MAXLEN, '\r'); print_menu_item(type, display, selector, host, atoi(port)); } while ((c = fgetc(buckd)) != '\n') if (c == EOF) break; return 1; } #ifdef SHOW_NAVBARS /* Optional navigation bar */ void print_top_nav(char type, char *selector) { int len, c; int is_root = strcmp(selector, "/") == 0; if (is_root) return; len = strlen(selector); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("\r\n"); #else printf("\r\n"); #endif printf("
\r\n"); } void print_bottom_nav(char type, char *selector) { char url[URLSTR_MAXLEN]; int is_root = strcmp(selector, "/") == 0; urlstrncpy(url, selector, URLSTR_MAXLEN); printf("
\r\n"); #ifdef TT_LINKS printf("\r\n"); #else printf("\r\n"); #endif } #endif /* Textfiles (plain text, type 0) will have a final full-stop (.) line */ void handle_textfile(FILE* buckd, int esc) { int c, i; int next[3]; while ((c = fgetc(buckd)) != EOF) { if (c == '.') { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { next[i] = fgetc(buckd); } if (next[0] == '\r' && next[1] == '\n' && next[2] == EOF) { break; } else { for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) { ungetc(next[i], buckd); } } } if (esc) { switch (c) { case '<': printf("<"); break; case '>': printf(">"); break; default: putchar(c); break; } } else { putchar(c); } } } /* Files should be sent as-is with an appropriate MIME type */ void handle_file(FILE *buckd, char response_type, char *selector, int download) { int c; char *ext; printf("Content-type: "); /* for binary and Gopher+ Picture/Movie/Sound, attempt to guess the MIME type from the extension */ if (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_BINARY || response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_MOVIE || response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_PICTURE || response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_SOUND) { ext = strrchr(selector, '.'); if (!ext) ext = ""; printf("%s; charset=binary", mime_type_from_ext(ext)); } else { printf("%s; charset=utf-8", mime_type(response_type)); } printf("\r\n"); if (download) { char *fname; fname = strrchr(selector, '/'); fname = fname ? fname + 1 : selector; printf("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", fname); } printf("\r\n"); if (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_PLAIN_TEXT || response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_XML) { /* Do not show the final terminating full-stop returned by the server */ handle_textfile(buckd, 0); } else { while ((c = fgetc(buckd)) != EOF) { putchar(c); } } } /* Handle output from buckd based on the item type and selector requested */ void handle_buckd(FILE *buckd, char response_type, char *selector, int download) { #ifdef HTML_TEXT if (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_DIRECTORY || response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_SEARCH || (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_PLAIN_TEXT && !download)) { #else if (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_DIRECTORY || response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_SEARCH) { #endif printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); #ifdef EXTERNAL_CSS printf("", EXTERNAL_CSS); #endif if (strcmp(selector, "/") == 0) printf("%s\r\n", MY_HOST); else printf("%s/%c/%s\r\n", MY_HOST, response_type, selector); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); #ifdef SHOW_NAVBARS print_top_nav(response_type, selector); #endif #ifdef HTML_TEXT if (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_PLAIN_TEXT) { printf("
			handle_textfile(buckd, 1);
"); } else #endif if (response_type == GOPHER_ITEM_DIRECTORY || strstr(selector, "\t") || strstr(selector, "?")) { printf("\r\n"); while (handle_menu_line(buckd)); printf("
\r\n"); } else { printf("Enter query:\r\n"); #ifdef USE_REWRITE printf("
\r\n", REWRITE_ROOT); #else printf("\r\n"); #endif printf("\r\n", selector); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("
\r\n"); } #ifdef SHOW_NAVBARS print_bottom_nav(response_type, selector); #endif printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); } else { handle_file(buckd, response_type, selector, download); } } /* Call Bucktooth daemon and return a FILE pointer to the process */ FILE *popen_buckd(char *req) { char *ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); char com[BUCKDCOM_MAXLEN]; snprintf(com, BUCKDCOM_MAXLEN, BUCKDCOM, req, ip); return popen(com, "r"); } FILE *open_socket(char *req) { int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in addr; struct hostent *server; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); server = gethostbyname(MY_HOST); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(MY_PORT); bcopy(server->h_addr, &addr.sin_addr.s_addr, server->h_length); connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)); if (write(sockfd, req, strlen(req)) == -1) { return NULL; } if (write(sockfd, "\r\n", 2) == -1) { return NULL; } return fdopen(sockfd, "r"); } int main(void) { char *query_string, *type, *selector, *search_res, *search_q; char search_sel[SELECTOR_MAXLEN], search_params[URLSTR_MAXLEN]; #ifndef USE_SOCKETS char hs[SELECTOR_MAXLEN * 2]; #endif FILE *fp; int download = 0; /* QUERY_STRING will be in the form of #/SELECTOR */ query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); /* ...EXCEPT if its a special SEARCH query (needed to use standard HTML form for queries) */ if (strncmp(query_string, "SEARCH=", 7) == 0) { type = "7"; search_res = strtok(query_string + 7, "&"); strtok(NULL, "="); search_q = strtok(NULL, ""); if (!search_q) search_q = ""; unurlstrncpy(search_params, search_q, URLSTR_MAXLEN); snprintf(search_sel, SELECTOR_MAXLEN, "%s\t%s", search_res, search_params); selector = search_sel; #ifdef HTML_TEXT /* ... or the special DOWNLOAD action (for text files displayed as HTML) */ } else if (strncmp(query_string, "DOWNLOAD=", 9) == 0) { type = "0"; search_res = strtok(query_string + 9, ""); unurlstrncpy(search_params, search_res, URLSTR_MAXLEN); snprintf(search_sel, SELECTOR_MAXLEN, "%s", search_res); selector = search_sel; download = 1; #endif } else { type = strtok(query_string, "/"); selector = strtok(NULL, ""); } /* Default to root menu */ if (!type) type = "1"; if (!selector) selector = "/"; #ifdef USE_SOCKETS fp = open_socket(selector); handle_buckd(fp, *type, selector, download); fclose(fp); #else /* buckd's -proxy flag takes a hex-encoded selector */ hexstrcpy(hs, selector); fp = popen_buckd(hs); handle_buckd(fp, *type, selector, download); pclose(fp); #endif return 0; }