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<!DOCTYPE dmodule [
<!ENTITY ICN-07GB6-BII01-001-01 SYSTEM "ICN-07GB6-BII01-001-01.jpg" NDATA jpg>
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<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="105" infoCodeVariant="C" itemLocationCode="A"/>
<language countryIsoCode="US" languageIsoCode="en"/>
<issueInfo inWork="00" issueNumber="001"/>
<issueDate day="16" month="08" year="2010"/>
<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
<infoName>Basic Issue Items (BII) list</infoName>
<dmStatus issueType="new">
<security securityClassification="01"/>
<dataDistribution>DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.</dataDistribution>
<dataDestruction>DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any means possible to prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.</dataDestruction>
<responsiblePartnerCompany enterpriseCode="1L6T4">
<enterpriseName>US Army Materiel Command (AMC) Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)</enterpriseName>
<originator enterpriseCode="07GB6">
<enterpriseName>BTAS COE</enterpriseName>
<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0000" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="022" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="D"/>
<techName>S1000D GUN</techName>
<infoName>Business rules exchange data module</infoName>
<firstVerification verificationType="tabtop"/>
<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-105C-001">
<title><indexFlag indexLevelOne="Basic Issue Items (BII) list"/>INTRODUCTION</title>
<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-105C-001a">
<para>The BII for the Phun Gun, helps inventory items for safe and efficient operation of the equipment.</para>
<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-105C-001b">
<para>Basic Issue Items (BII). These essential items are required to place the Phun Gun in operation, operate it, and to do emergency repairs. Although shipped separately packaged, BII shall be with the Phun Gun during operation and when it is transferred between property accounts. Listing these items is your authority to request/requisition them for replacement based on authorization of the end item by the TOE/MTOE. Illustrations are furnished to help you find and identify the items.</para>
<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-105C-001c">
<title>Explanation of Columns in the BII List</title>
<para>"Item Number" column. Gives you the reference number of the item listed.</para>
<para>"National Stock Number (NSN)" column. Identifies the stock number of the item to be used for requisitioning purposes.</para>
<para>"Description, Part Number/(CAGEC)" column. Identifies the Federal item name (in all capital letters) followed by a minimum description when needed. The stowage location of BII is also included in this column. The last line below the description is the part number and the Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGEC) (in parentheses).</para>
<para>"Usable On Code" column. When applicable, gives you a code if the item you need is not the same for different models of equipment.</para>
<para>"U/I" column. Unit of Issue (U/I) indicates the physical measurement or count of the item as issued per the National Stock Number shown in column (2).</para>
<para>"Qty Rqr" column. Indicates the quantity required.</para></listItem></sequentialList></para>
<figure id="fig-00-00-00-105C-001">
<title>Basic Issue Items</title>
<graphic infoEntityIdent="ICN-07GB6-BII01-001-01" reproductionScale="90"/>
<table id="tbl-00-00-00-105C-001" frame="all">
<title>Basic Issue Items List</title>
<tgroup cols="6">
<colspec colnum="1" colsep="1" rowsep="0" colwidth="0.75in" align="center"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colsep="1" rowsep="0" colwidth="1.65in" align="center"/>
<colspec colnum="3" colsep="1" rowsep="0" colwidth="*" align="left"/>
<colspec colnum="4" colsep="1" rowsep="0" colwidth="0.75in" align="center"/>
<colspec colnum="5" colsep="1" rowsep="0" colwidth="0.75in" align="center"/>
<colspec colnum="6" colsep="1" rowsep="0" colwidth="0.75in" align="center"/>
<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Item Number</emphasis></para></entry>
<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">National Stock Number (NSN)</emphasis></para></entry>
<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Description, Part Number/(CAGEC)</emphasis></para></entry>
<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Usable On Code</emphasis></para></entry>
<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">U/I</emphasis></para></entry>
<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Qty Rqr</emphasis></para></entry>
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Column 1: Since we are using Method A (due to so few items), this column identfies the
** callout in the figure.
<entry valign="top">
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Column 2: NSNs must be hard-coded and include hyphens, <natoStockNumber> is not
** supported in a <para> or <entry>.
<entry valign="top"><para>0000-00-000-0000</para></entry>
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Column 3: Projects must consider how to author the CAGE code and Part Number.
** Two authoring options:
** 1) Hardcode within the <para> as "PartNumber/(CAGEC)" (This DM uses this option.)
** 2) Use <identNumber> to indentify the <manufacturerCode> (CAGEC) and <partAndSerialNumber>
** to identify the <partNumber>.
** For example:
** <identNumber>
** <manufacturerCode>77777</manufacturerCode>
** <partAndSerialNumber>
** <partNumber>PHUN-MNT-01</partNumber>
** </partAndSerialNumber>
** </identNumber>
** Normally displayed as "PHUN-MNT-01/(77777)".
** NOTE: Style sheets will have to be modified to support the proper order of display as indicated
** in the table header (part number followed by CAGEC).
<entry valign="top">
<para>CASE, PHUN GUN</para>
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Column 4: UOCs, if applicable, may be separated by authoring each UOC in its own <para>
** or by including commas, as needed, in a single <para>.
<entry valign="top"><!-- UOC --></entry>
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Column 5: Enter the applicable Unit of Issue.
<entry valign="top">
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Column 6: Enter the quantity required.
<entry valign="top">
<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
** Repeat rows as needed.
<entry valign="top">
<entry valign="top">
<entry valign="top">
<para>CASE, DART</para>
<entry valign="top">
<entry valign="top">
<entry valign="top">