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				<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="142" infoCodeVariant="B" itemLocationCode="A"/>
				<language countryIsoCode="US" languageIsoCode="en"/>
				<issueInfo inWork="00" issueNumber="001"/>
				<issueDate day="17" month="08" year="2010"/>
					<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
					<infoName>Unusual environment/weather</infoName>
		<dmStatus issueType="new">
			<security securityClassification="01"/>
					<dataDistribution>DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.</dataDistribution>
					<dataDestruction>DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any means possible to prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.</dataDestruction>
			<responsiblePartnerCompany enterpriseCode="1L6T4">
				<enterpriseName>US Army Materiel Command (AMC) Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)</enterpriseName>
			<originator enterpriseCode="07GB6">
				<enterpriseName>BTAS COE</enterpriseName>
						<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0000" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="022" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="D"/>
							<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
							<infoName>Business rules exchange data module</infoName>
				<firstVerification verificationType="tabtop"/>
					<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
					**		Check to see if anything can be added to PMCS for unusual conditions.
					**		Replace, if possible, applicable references.
					<para>Refer to <dmRef>
								<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="200" infoCodeVariant="B" itemLocationCode="A"/>
									<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
						</dmRef> for preventive maintenance checks and services to be made when the materiel is subjected to unusual conditions.</para>
					<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
					**		Verify TM 38-750 is still active, include in References DM. TM 38-750 is not available (03/15/11)
					<para>Report any chronic failure of materiel resulting from subjection to extreme conditions in accordance with <externalPubRef>
								<externalPubCode>TM 38-750</externalPubCode>
								<externalPubTitle>Army Equipment Records Procedure</externalPubTitle>
				<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
				**		Should the environmental conditions listed in the table below be included here?
						<supplyDescr id="sup-00-00-00-142B-001">
							<name>Wiping rags (clean, dry)</name>
								<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
								**		IAW MIL-STD-3031, inclusion of <partNumber> is prohibited :
								**			<partAndSerialNumber>
								**				<partNumber>A-A-531</partNumber>
								**			</partAndSerialNumber>
				<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-001">
					<para>Perform the applicable step(s) as follows:</para>
						<notePara>Periodic disassembling may be necessary for drying purposes.</notePara>
					<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-002">
						<para>For operations in extreme cold, perform the following steps:</para>
							<notePara>Whenever a cold weapon is placed indoors, allow it to warm to room temperature. After cleaning, dry thoroughly including any condensation that has formed.</notePara>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-003">
							<para>In climates where the temperature is consistently below 0°F, it is necessary to prepare the materiel for cold-weather operation. The Phun Gun should be cleaned.</para>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-004">
							<para>Operate the various controls through their entire range, at intervals, as required. This aids in keeping them from freezing in place and reduces the effort required to operate them.</para>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-005">
							<para>Materiel not in use and stored outside must be protected with a proper cover.</para>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-006">
							<para>See <externalPubRef>
										<externalPubCode>FM 31-70</externalPubCode>
										<externalPubTitle>Basic Cold Weather Manual</externalPubTitle>
								</externalPubRef> for further information on operations in the Arctic.</para>
					<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-007">
						<para>For operations in extreme heat, perform the following step:</para>
							<notePara>In hot climates whether humid, dry, or sandy; daily care must be exercised. In hot, dry climates where dust and sand prevail, the weapon will be wiped dry.</notePara>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-008">
							<para>Perspiration contributes to corrosion, because it contains acids and salts. After handling Phun Gun, clean all surfaces with <internalRef internalRefId="sup-00-00-00-142B-001" internalRefTargetType="para"/>.</para>
					<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-009">
						<para>For operations in dusty and sandy areas, perform the following steps:</para>
							<notePara>In hot climates whether humid, dry, or sandy; daily care must be exercised. In hot, dry climates where dust and sand prevail, the weapon will be wiped dry. When leaving sandy terrain, wipe rifle clean at once.</notePara>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-010">
							<para>Clean and keep thoroughly dry. Do not lubricate. Even a light coat of oil will attract foreign matter, especially sand and dust, a potential cause of mechanical breakdown. During disassembly and assembly operations, shield parts whenever possible.</para>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-011">
							<para>When moving out of sandy terrain, clean as indicated.</para>
					<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-012">
						<para>For operations under rainy, humid conditions and salt water areas, perform the following step:</para>
							<notePara>In hot climates whether humid, dry, or sandy, daily care must be exercised. In humid or rainy conditions, keep weapon clean when not in use.</notePara>
						<proceduralStep id="stp-00-00-00-142B-013">
							<para>Inspect the materiel more frequently when operating in hot, moist areas.</para>

/ gopher://khzae.net/0/s1kd/links/projects/3031/sample/PhunGun/CSDB/DMC-S1000DGUN-0-00-00-00-00A-142B-A_001-00_EN-US.xml
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