xml-utils PythonScript interface for Notepad++ - README ======================================================= General ------- These are a set of scripts for the [PythonScript](http://npppythonscript.sourceforge.net) plugin which provide an interface for using the [xml-utils](https://github.com/kibook/xml-utils) within [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org). Install ------- Copy the `xml-utils` directory to the PythonScript user scripts folder, typically `%APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\config\PythonScript\scripts`. Functions --------- - **Format** - **Format XML** Pretty-print the XML in the current buffer. - **Transform** - **Apply XSL transformation (preserve DTD)** Apply an XSL transform script to the document, preserving the original DTD. - **Apply XSL transformation** Apply an XSL transform script to the document. - **Trim** - **Trim whitespace** Trim whitespace within specified elements. - **Validate** - **Check against schema** Validate the document against its schema.