#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "template.h" #include "s1kd_tools.h" #define PROG_NAME "s1kd-newcom" #define VERSION "2.2.0" #define ERR_PREFIX PROG_NAME ": ERROR: " #define EXIT_BAD_CODE 1 #define EXIT_COMMENT_EXISTS 2 #define EXIT_BAD_BREX_DMC 3 #define EXIT_BAD_DATE 4 #define EXIT_BAD_ISSUE 5 #define EXIT_BAD_TEMPLATE 6 #define EXIT_BAD_TEMPL_DIR 7 #define EXIT_OS_ERROR 8 #define E_BAD_TEMPL_DIR "Cannot dump template in directory: %s\n" #define MAX_MODEL_IDENT_CODE 14 + 2 #define MAX_SYSTEM_DIFF_CODE 4 + 2 #define MAX_SYSTEM_CODE 3 + 2 #define MAX_SUB_SYSTEM_CODE 1 + 2 #define MAX_SUB_SUB_SYSTEM_CODE 1 + 2 #define MAX_ASSY_CODE 4 + 2 #define MAX_DISASSY_CODE 2 + 2 #define MAX_DISASSY_CODE_VARIANT 1 + 2 #define MAX_INFO_CODE 3 + 2 #define MAX_INFO_CODE_VARIANT 1 + 2 #define MAX_ITEM_LOCATION_CODE 1 + 2 #define MAX_LEARN_CODE 3 + 2 #define MAX_LEARN_EVENT_CODE 1 + 2 static char modelIdentCode[MAX_MODEL_IDENT_CODE] = ""; static char senderIdent[7] = ""; static char yearOfDataIssue[6] = ""; static char seqNumber[7] = ""; static char commentType[3] = ""; static char languageIsoCode[5] = ""; static char countryIsoCode[4] = ""; static char enterprise_name[256] = ""; static char address_city[256] = ""; static char address_country[256] = ""; static char securityClassification[4] = ""; static char commentPriorityCode[6] = ""; static char responseType[6] = ""; static char brex_dmcode[256] = ""; static char issue_date[16] = ""; static xmlChar *issue_type = NULL; static xmlChar *remarks = NULL; #define DEFAULT_S1000D_ISSUE ISS_50 #define ISS_22_DEFAULT_BREX "AE-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D" #define ISS_23_DEFAULT_BREX "AE-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D" #define ISS_30_DEFAULT_BREX "AE-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D" #define ISS_40_DEFAULT_BREX "S1000D-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D" #define ISS_41_DEFAULT_BREX "S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D" #define ISS_42_DEFAULT_BREX "S1000D-F-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D" #define DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ISO_CODE "und" #define DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE "ZZ" static enum issue { NO_ISS, ISS_20, ISS_21, ISS_22, ISS_23, ISS_30, ISS_40, ISS_41, ISS_42, ISS_50 } issue = NO_ISS; static char *template_dir = NULL; static xmlDocPtr xml_skeleton(void) { if (template_dir) { char src[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(src, "%s/comment.xml", template_dir); if (access(src, F_OK) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "No schema comment in template directory \"%s\".\n", template_dir); exit(EXIT_BAD_TEMPLATE); } return read_xml_doc(src); } else { return read_xml_mem((const char *) comment_xml, comment_xml_len); } } static enum issue get_issue(const char *iss) { if (strcmp(iss, "5.0") == 0) return ISS_50; else if (strcmp(iss, "4.2") == 0) return ISS_42; else if (strcmp(iss, "4.1") == 0) return ISS_41; else if (strcmp(iss, "4.0") == 0) return ISS_40; else if (strcmp(iss, "3.0") == 0) return ISS_30; else if (strcmp(iss, "2.3") == 0) return ISS_23; else if (strcmp(iss, "2.2") == 0) return ISS_22; else if (strcmp(iss, "2.1") == 0) return ISS_21; else if (strcmp(iss, "2.0") == 0) return ISS_20; fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Unsupported issue: %s\n", iss); exit(EXIT_BAD_ISSUE); return NO_ISS; } static xmlDocPtr toissue(xmlDocPtr doc, enum issue iss) { xsltStylesheetPtr style; xmlDocPtr styledoc, res, orig; unsigned char *xml = NULL; unsigned int len; switch (iss) { case ISS_42: xml = ___common_to42_xsl; len = ___common_to42_xsl_len; break; case ISS_41: xml = ___common_to41_xsl; len = ___common_to41_xsl_len; break; case ISS_40: xml = ___common_to40_xsl; len = ___common_to40_xsl_len; break; case ISS_30: xml = ___common_to30_xsl; len = ___common_to30_xsl_len; break; case ISS_23: xml = ___common_to23_xsl; len = ___common_to23_xsl_len; break; case ISS_22: xml = ___common_to22_xsl; len = ___common_to22_xsl_len; break; case ISS_21: xml = ___common_to21_xsl; len = ___common_to21_xsl_len; break; case ISS_20: xml = ___common_to20_xsl; len = ___common_to20_xsl_len; break; default: return NULL; } orig = xmlCopyDoc(doc, 1); styledoc = read_xml_mem((const char *) xml, len); style = xsltParseStylesheetDoc(styledoc); res = xsltApplyStylesheet(style, doc, NULL); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xsltFreeStylesheet(style); xmlDocSetRootElement(orig, xmlCopyNode(xmlDocGetRootElement(res), 1)); xmlFreeDoc(res); return orig; } static void prompt(const char *prompt, char *str, int n) { if (strcmp(str, "") == 0) { printf("%s: ", prompt); while (!strchr(fgets(str, n, stdin), '\n')) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Bad input for \"%s\".\n", prompt); while (getchar() != '\n'); printf("%s: ", prompt); } *(strchr(str, '\n')) = '\0'; } else { char temp[512] = ""; printf("%s [%s]: ", prompt, str); while (!strchr(fgets(temp, n, stdin), '\n')) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Bad input for \"%s\".\n", prompt); while (getchar() != '\n'); printf("%s [%s]: ", prompt, str); } *(strchr(temp, '\n')) = '\0'; if (strcmp(temp, "") != 0) { memcpy(str, temp, n - 1); } } } static xmlNodePtr find_child(xmlNodePtr parent, const char *name) { xmlNodePtr cur; for (cur = parent->children; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (strcmp((char *) cur->name, name) == 0) { return cur; } } return NULL; } static void set_issue_date(xmlNodePtr issueDate) { char year_s[5], month_s[3], day_s[3]; if (strcmp(issue_date, "") == 0) { time_t now; struct tm *local; unsigned short year, month, day; time(&now); local = localtime(&now); year = local->tm_year + 1900; month = local->tm_mon + 1; day = local->tm_mday; if (snprintf(year_s, 5, "%u", year) < 0 || snprintf(month_s, 3, "%.2u", month) < 0 || snprintf(day_s, 3, "%.2u", day) < 0) exit(EXIT_BAD_DATE); } else { if (sscanf(issue_date, "%4s-%2s-%2s", year_s, month_s, day_s) != 3) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Bad issue date: %s\n", issue_date); exit(EXIT_BAD_DATE); } } xmlSetProp(issueDate, BAD_CAST "year", BAD_CAST year_s); xmlSetProp(issueDate, BAD_CAST "month", BAD_CAST month_s); xmlSetProp(issueDate, BAD_CAST "day", BAD_CAST day_s); } static void copy_default_value(const char *def_key, const char *def_val) { if (strcmp(def_key, "modelIdentCode") == 0 && strcmp(modelIdentCode, "") == 0) strcpy(modelIdentCode, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "senderIdent") == 0 && strcmp(senderIdent, "") == 0) strcpy(senderIdent, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "yearOfDataIssue") == 0 && strcmp(yearOfDataIssue, "") == 0) strcpy(yearOfDataIssue, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "seqNumber") == 0 && strcmp(seqNumber, "") == 0) strcpy(seqNumber, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "commentType") == 0 && strcmp(commentType, "") == 0) strcpy(commentType, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "languageIsoCode") == 0 && strcmp(languageIsoCode, "") == 0) strcpy(languageIsoCode, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "countryIsoCode") == 0 && strcmp(countryIsoCode, "") == 0) strcpy(countryIsoCode, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "originator") == 0 && strcmp(enterprise_name, "") == 0) strcpy(enterprise_name, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "city") == 0 && strcmp(address_city, "") == 0) strcpy(address_city, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "country") == 0 && strcmp(address_country, "") == 0) strcpy(address_country, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "securityClassification") == 0 && strcmp(securityClassification, "") == 0) strcpy(securityClassification, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "commentPriorityCode") == 0 && strcmp(commentPriorityCode, "") == 0) strcpy(commentPriorityCode, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "brex") == 0 && strcmp(brex_dmcode, "") == 0) strcpy(brex_dmcode, def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "templates") == 0 && !template_dir) template_dir = strdup(def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "remarks") == 0 && !remarks) remarks = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "issue") == 0 && issue == NO_ISS) issue = get_issue(def_val); else if (strcmp(def_key, "issueType") == 0 && !issue_type) issue_type = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST def_val); } static xmlNodePtr firstXPathNode(xmlDocPtr doc, const char *xpath) { xmlXPathContextPtr ctx; xmlXPathObjectPtr obj; xmlNodePtr node; ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST xpath, ctx); if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(obj->nodesetval)) node = NULL; else node = obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); xmlXPathFreeContext(ctx); return node; } static void set_brex(xmlDocPtr doc, const char *code) { xmlNodePtr dmCode; int n; char modelIdentCode[MAX_MODEL_IDENT_CODE] = ""; char systemDiffCode[MAX_SYSTEM_DIFF_CODE] = ""; char systemCode[MAX_SYSTEM_CODE] = ""; char subSystemCode[MAX_SUB_SYSTEM_CODE] = ""; char subSubSystemCode[MAX_SUB_SUB_SYSTEM_CODE] = ""; char assyCode[MAX_ASSY_CODE] = ""; char disassyCode[MAX_DISASSY_CODE] = ""; char disassyCodeVariant[MAX_DISASSY_CODE_VARIANT] = ""; char infoCode[MAX_INFO_CODE] = ""; char infoCodeVariant[MAX_INFO_CODE_VARIANT] = ""; char itemLocationCode[MAX_ITEM_LOCATION_CODE] = ""; char learnCode[MAX_LEARN_CODE] = ""; char learnEventCode[MAX_LEARN_EVENT_CODE] = ""; dmCode = firstXPathNode(doc, "//brexDmRef/dmRef/dmRefIdent/dmCode"); n = sscanf(code, "%14[^-]-%4[^-]-%3[^-]-%c%c-%4[^-]-%2s%3[^-]-%3s%c-%c-%3s%1s", modelIdentCode, systemDiffCode, systemCode, subSystemCode, subSubSystemCode, assyCode, disassyCode, disassyCodeVariant, infoCode, infoCodeVariant, itemLocationCode, learnCode, learnEventCode); if (n != 11 && n != 13) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Bad BREX data module code.\n"); exit(EXIT_BAD_BREX_DMC); } xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "modelIdentCode", BAD_CAST modelIdentCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "systemDiffCode", BAD_CAST systemDiffCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "systemCode", BAD_CAST systemCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "subSystemCode", BAD_CAST subSystemCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "subSubSystemCode", BAD_CAST subSubSystemCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "assyCode", BAD_CAST assyCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "disassyCode", BAD_CAST disassyCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "disassyCodeVariant", BAD_CAST disassyCodeVariant); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "infoCode", BAD_CAST infoCode); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "infoCodeVariant", BAD_CAST infoCodeVariant); xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "itemLocationCode", BAD_CAST itemLocationCode); if (strcmp(learnCode, "") != 0) xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "learnCode", BAD_CAST learnCode); if (strcmp(learnEventCode, "") != 0) xmlSetProp(dmCode, BAD_CAST "learnEventCode", BAD_CAST learnEventCode); } /* Try reading the ISO language and country codes from the environment, * otherwise default to "und" (undetermined) for language and ZZ for * country. */ static void set_env_lang(void) { char *env, *lang, *lang_l, *lang_c; if (!(env = getenv("LANG"))) { if (strcmp(languageIsoCode, "") == 0) { strcpy(languageIsoCode, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ISO_CODE); } if (strcmp(countryIsoCode, "") == 0) { strcpy(countryIsoCode, DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE); } return; } lang = strdup(env); lang_l = strtok(lang, "_"); lang_c = strtok(NULL, "."); if (strcmp(languageIsoCode, "") == 0) { if (lang_l) { strncpy(languageIsoCode, lang_l, 3); } else { strcpy(languageIsoCode, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ISO_CODE); } } if (strcmp(countryIsoCode, "") == 0) { if (lang_c) { strncpy(countryIsoCode, lang_c, 2); } else { strcpy(countryIsoCode, DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE); } } free(lang); } static void set_remarks(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlChar *text) { xmlNodePtr remarks; remarks = firstXPathNode(doc, "//remarks"); if (text) { xmlNewChild(remarks, NULL, BAD_CAST "simplePara", text); } else { xmlUnlinkNode(remarks); xmlFreeNode(remarks); } } static void dump_template(const char *path) { FILE *f; if (access(path, W_OK) == -1 || chdir(path)) { fprintf(stderr, E_BAD_TEMPL_DIR, path); exit(EXIT_BAD_TEMPL_DIR); } f = fopen("comment.xml", "w"); fprintf(f, "%.*s", comment_xml_len, comment_xml); fclose(f); } static void show_help(void) { puts("Usage: " PROG_NAME " [options]"); puts(""); puts("Options:"); puts(" -$, --issue Specify which S1000D issue to use."); puts(" -@, --out Output to specified file or directory."); puts(" -%, --templates Use templates in specified directory."); puts(" -~, --dump-templates Dump built-in XML template to directory."); puts(" -d, --defaults Specify the .defaults file name."); puts(" -f, --overwrite Overwrite existing file."); puts(" -p, --prompt Prompt the user for each value."); puts(" -q, --quiet Don't report an error if file exists."); puts(" -v, --verbose Print file name of comment."); puts(" --version Show version information."); puts(""); puts("In addition, the following pieces of meta data can be set:"); puts(" -#, --code Comment code"); puts(" -b, --brex BREX data module code"); puts(" -C, --country Country ISO code"); puts(" -c, --security Security classification"); puts(" -I, --date Issue date"); puts(" -m, --remarks Remarks"); puts(" -L, --language Language ISO code"); puts(" -o, --origname Originator"); puts(" -P, --priority Priority code"); puts(" -r, --response Response type"); puts(" -t, --title Comment title"); puts(" -z, --issue-type <type> Issue type"); LIBXML2_PARSE_LONGOPT_HELP } static void show_version(void) { printf("%s (s1kd-tools) %s\n", PROG_NAME, VERSION); printf("Using libxml %s and libxslt %s\n", xmlParserVersion, xsltEngineVersion); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { xmlDocPtr comment_doc; xmlNodePtr comment; xmlNodePtr identAndStatusSection; xmlNodePtr commentAddress; xmlNodePtr commentIdent; xmlNodePtr commentCode; xmlNodePtr language; xmlNodePtr commentAddressItems; xmlNodePtr issueDate; xmlNodePtr commentOriginator; xmlNodePtr dispatchAddress; xmlNodePtr enterprise; xmlNodePtr enterpriseName; xmlNodePtr address; xmlNodePtr city; xmlNodePtr country; xmlNodePtr commentStatus; xmlNodePtr security; xmlNodePtr commentPriority; xmlNodePtr commentResponse; char language_fname[4]; char code[256] = ""; char defaults_fname[PATH_MAX]; bool custom_defaults = false; bool show_prompts = false; bool skip_code = false; char commentTitle[256] = ""; bool verbose = false; bool overwrite = false; bool no_overwrite_error = false; char *out = NULL; char *outdir = NULL; xmlDocPtr defaults_xml; int i; const char *sopts = "d:p#:o:c:L:C:P:t:r:b:I:vf$:@:%:qm:~:z:h?"; struct option lopts[] = { {"version" , no_argument , 0, 0}, {"help" , no_argument , 0, 'h'}, {"defaults" , required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"prompt" , no_argument , 0, 'p'}, {"code" , required_argument, 0, '#'}, {"origname" , required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"security" , required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"language" , required_argument, 0, 'L'}, {"country" , required_argument, 0, 'C'}, {"priority" , required_argument, 0, 'P'}, {"title" , required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"response" , required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"brex" , required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"date" , required_argument, 0, 'I'}, {"verbose" , no_argument , 0, 'v'}, {"overwrite" , no_argument , 0, 'f'}, {"issue" , required_argument, 0, '$'}, {"out" , required_argument, 0, '@'}, {"templates" , required_argument, 0, '%'}, {"quiet" , no_argument , 0, 'q'}, {"remarks" , required_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"dump-templates", required_argument, 0, '~'}, {"issue-type" , required_argument, 0, 'z'}, LIBXML2_PARSE_LONGOPT_DEFS {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int loptind = 0; while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopts, lopts, &loptind)) != -1) { switch (i) { case 0: if (strcmp(lopts[loptind].name, "version") == 0) { show_version(); return 0; } LIBXML2_PARSE_LONGOPT_HANDLE(lopts, loptind, optarg) break; case 'd': strncpy(defaults_fname, optarg, PATH_MAX - 1); custom_defaults = true; break; case 'p': show_prompts = true; break; case '#': skip_code = true; strncpy(code, optarg, 255); break; case 'o': strncpy(enterprise_name, optarg, 255); break; case 'c': strncpy(securityClassification, optarg, 2); break; case 'L': strncpy(languageIsoCode, optarg, 3); break; case 'C': strncpy(countryIsoCode, optarg, 2); break; case 'P': strncpy(commentPriorityCode, optarg, 4); break; case 't': strncpy(commentTitle, optarg, 255); break; case 'r': strncpy(responseType, optarg, 4); break; case 'b': strncpy(brex_dmcode, optarg, 255); break; case 'I': strncpy(issue_date, optarg, 15); break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'f': overwrite = true; break; case '$': issue = get_issue(optarg); break; case '@': out = strdup(optarg); break; case '%': template_dir = strdup(optarg); break; case 'q': no_overwrite_error = true; break; case 'm': remarks = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST optarg); break; case '~': dump_template(optarg); return 0; case 'z': issue_type = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': show_help(); return 0; } } if (!custom_defaults) { find_config(defaults_fname, DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_FNAME); } if ((defaults_xml = read_xml_doc(defaults_fname))) { xmlNodePtr cur; for (cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(defaults_xml)->children; cur; cur = cur->next) { char *def_key, *def_val; if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (!xmlHasProp(cur, BAD_CAST "ident")) continue; if (!xmlHasProp(cur, BAD_CAST "value")) continue; def_key = (char *) xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "ident"); def_val = (char *) xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "value"); copy_default_value(def_key, def_val); xmlFree(def_key); xmlFree(def_val); } xmlFreeDoc(defaults_xml); } else { FILE *defaults; defaults = fopen(defaults_fname, "r"); if (defaults) { char default_line[1024]; while (fgets(default_line, 1024, defaults)) { char def_key[32], def_val[256]; if (sscanf(default_line, "%31s %255[^\n]", def_key, def_val) != 2) continue; copy_default_value(def_key, def_val); } fclose(defaults); } } comment_doc = xml_skeleton(); if (strcmp(code, "") != 0) { int n, offset; offset = strncmp(code, "COM-", 4) == 0 ? 4 : 0; n = sscanf(code + offset, "%14[^-]-%5s-%4s-%5s-%1s", modelIdentCode, senderIdent, yearOfDataIssue, seqNumber, commentType); if (n != 5) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Invalid comment code: '%s'\n", code); exit(EXIT_BAD_CODE); } } if (show_prompts) { if (!skip_code) { prompt("Model ident code", modelIdentCode, 16); prompt("Sender ident", senderIdent, 7); prompt("Year of data issue", yearOfDataIssue, 6); prompt("Sequence numer", seqNumber, 7); prompt("Comment type", commentType, 3); } prompt("Language ISO code", languageIsoCode, 5); prompt("Country ISO code", countryIsoCode, 4); prompt("Originator enterprise name", enterprise_name, 256); prompt("Originator city", address_city, 256); prompt("Originator country", address_country, 256); prompt("Security classification", securityClassification, 4); prompt("Comment priority code", commentPriorityCode, 6); } if (strcmp(modelIdentCode, "") == 0 || strcmp(senderIdent, "") == 0 || strcmp(yearOfDataIssue, "") == 0 || strcmp(seqNumber, "") == 0 || strcmp(commentType, "") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Missing required comment code components: "); fprintf(stderr, "COM-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s\n", strcmp(modelIdentCode, "") == 0 ? "???" : modelIdentCode, strcmp(senderIdent, "") == 0 ? "???" : senderIdent, strcmp(yearOfDataIssue, "") == 0 ? "???" : yearOfDataIssue, strcmp(seqNumber, "") == 0 ? "???" : seqNumber, strcmp(commentType, "") == 0 ? "???" : commentType); exit(EXIT_BAD_CODE); } if (issue == NO_ISS) issue = DEFAULT_S1000D_ISSUE; if (strcmp(securityClassification, "") == 0) strcpy(securityClassification, "01"); if (strcmp(responseType, "") == 0) strcpy(responseType, "rt02"); if (strcmp(commentPriorityCode, "") == 0) strcpy(commentPriorityCode, "cp01"); set_env_lang(); for (i = 0; languageIsoCode[i]; ++i) languageIsoCode[i] = tolower(languageIsoCode[i]); for (i = 0; countryIsoCode[i]; ++i) countryIsoCode[i] = toupper(countryIsoCode[i]); for (i = 0; commentType[i]; ++i) commentType[i] = tolower(commentType[i]); comment = xmlDocGetRootElement(comment_doc); identAndStatusSection = find_child(comment, "identAndStatusSection"); commentAddress = find_child(identAndStatusSection, "commentAddress"); commentIdent = find_child(commentAddress, "commentIdent"); commentCode = find_child(commentIdent, "commentCode"); language = find_child(commentIdent, "language"); commentAddressItems = find_child(commentAddress, "commentAddressItems"); issueDate = find_child(commentAddressItems, "issueDate"); commentOriginator = find_child(commentAddressItems, "commentOriginator"); dispatchAddress = find_child(commentOriginator, "dispatchAddress"); enterprise = find_child(dispatchAddress, "enterprise"); enterpriseName = find_child(enterprise, "enterpriseName"); address = find_child(dispatchAddress, "address"); city = find_child(address, "city"); country = find_child(address, "country"); commentStatus = find_child(identAndStatusSection, "commentStatus"); security = find_child(commentStatus, "security"); commentPriority = find_child(commentStatus, "commentPriority"); commentResponse = find_child(commentStatus, "commentResponse"); xmlSetProp(commentCode, BAD_CAST "modelIdentCode", BAD_CAST modelIdentCode); xmlSetProp(commentCode, BAD_CAST "senderIdent", BAD_CAST senderIdent); xmlSetProp(commentCode, BAD_CAST "yearOfDataIssue", BAD_CAST yearOfDataIssue); xmlSetProp(commentCode, BAD_CAST "seqNumber", BAD_CAST seqNumber); xmlSetProp(commentCode, BAD_CAST"commentType", BAD_CAST commentType); xmlSetProp(language, BAD_CAST "languageIsoCode", BAD_CAST languageIsoCode); xmlSetProp(language, BAD_CAST "countryIsoCode", BAD_CAST countryIsoCode); if (strcmp(commentTitle, "") != 0) { xmlNodePtr commentTitleNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "commentTitle"); commentTitleNode = xmlAddPrevSibling(issueDate, commentTitleNode); xmlNodeSetContent(commentTitleNode, BAD_CAST commentTitle); } set_issue_date(issueDate); if (issue_type) xmlSetProp(commentStatus, BAD_CAST "issueType", issue_type); xmlNodeSetContent(enterpriseName, BAD_CAST enterprise_name); xmlNodeSetContent(city, BAD_CAST address_city); xmlNodeSetContent(country, BAD_CAST address_country); xmlSetProp(security, BAD_CAST "securityClassification", BAD_CAST securityClassification); xmlSetProp(commentPriority, BAD_CAST "commentPriorityCode", BAD_CAST commentPriorityCode); xmlSetProp(commentResponse, BAD_CAST "responseType", BAD_CAST responseType); if (strcmp(brex_dmcode, "") != 0) set_brex(comment_doc, brex_dmcode); set_remarks(comment_doc, remarks); for (i = 0; languageIsoCode[i]; ++i) { language_fname[i] = toupper(languageIsoCode[i]); } language_fname[i] = '\0'; for (i = 0; commentType[i]; ++i) commentType[i] = toupper(commentType[i]); if (issue < ISS_50) { if (strcmp(brex_dmcode, "") == 0) { switch (issue) { case ISS_22: set_brex(comment_doc, ISS_22_DEFAULT_BREX); break; case ISS_23: set_brex(comment_doc, ISS_23_DEFAULT_BREX); break; case ISS_30: set_brex(comment_doc, ISS_30_DEFAULT_BREX); break; case ISS_40: set_brex(comment_doc, ISS_40_DEFAULT_BREX); break; case ISS_41: set_brex(comment_doc, ISS_41_DEFAULT_BREX); break; case ISS_42: set_brex(comment_doc, ISS_42_DEFAULT_BREX); break; default: break; } } comment_doc = toissue(comment_doc, issue); } if (out && isdir(out, false)) { outdir = out; out = NULL; } if (!out) { char comment_fname[256]; snprintf(comment_fname, 256, "COM-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s_%s-%s.XML", modelIdentCode, senderIdent, yearOfDataIssue, seqNumber, commentType, language_fname, countryIsoCode); out = strdup(comment_fname); } if (outdir) { if (chdir(outdir) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "Could not change to directory %s: %s\n", outdir, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_OS_ERROR); } } if (!overwrite && access(out, F_OK) != -1) { if (no_overwrite_error) return 0; if (outdir) { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "%s/%s already exists. Use -f to overwrite.\n", outdir, out); } else { fprintf(stderr, ERR_PREFIX "%s already exists. Use -f to overwrite.\n", out); } exit(EXIT_COMMENT_EXISTS); } save_xml_doc(comment_doc, out); if (verbose) { if (outdir) { printf("%s/%s\n", outdir, out); } else { puts(out); } } free(out); free(outdir); free(template_dir); xmlFree(remarks); xmlFree(issue_type); xmlFreeDoc(comment_doc); xmlCleanupParser(); return 0; }