.PHONY: all clean
TO_MARKDOWN=s1kd2db - | pandoc -f docbook -t gfm
# Fetch exchange rates from the internet
CAD2EUR=\$$value * `sh exchange-rate.sh CAD EUR`
CAD2USD=\$$value * `sh exchange-rate.sh CAD USD`
all: README.md
# Build a README out of the concatenated output tables
README.md: output-CA.md output-EU.md output-US.md output-dual.md
sh concat.sh $+ > $@
# Deploy for a Canadian customer by:
# - Pre-formatting quantities with the imperial conventions
output-CA.md: $(SOURCE)
$(S1KD_UOM) -p imperial $< | $(TO_MARKDOWN) > $@
# Deploy for an EU customer by:
# - Converting Canadian dollars to euros at the current exchange rate, with the format 0.00
# - Pre-formatting quantities with the SI conventions
output-EU.md: $(SOURCE)
$(S1KD_UOM) -u CAD -t EUR -e "$(CAD2EUR)" -F '0.00' -p SI $< | $(TO_MARKDOWN) > $@
# Deploy for a US customer by:
# - Converting SI units to US customary units (-s US), rounding to the nearest whole number (-F '0')
# - Converting Canadian dollars to US dollars at the current exchange rate, with the format 0.00
# - Pre-formatting quantities with the imperial conventions
output-US.md: $(SOURCE)
$(S1KD_UOM) -s US -F '0' -u CAD -t USD -e "$(CAD2USD)" -F '0.00' -p imperial $< | $(TO_MARKDOWN) > $@
# Deploy a dual Canadian/US version with the -d option
output-dual.md: $(SOURCE)
$(S1KD_UOM) -s US -F '0' -u CAD -t USD -e "$(CAD2USD)" -F '0.00' -p imperial -d $< | $(TO_MARKDOWN) > $@
rm -f output-CA.md output-EU.md output-US.md output-dual.md README.md