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xml-highlight - Highlight syntax in XML documents


    xml-highlight [options] [<document>...]


The *xml-highlight* tool adds syntax highlighting to program listings in
an XML document. By default this is accomplished by wrapping detected
syntax in XSL-FO inline elements with the proper namespace to allow a
stylesheet to pass them through to the final FO processor. The actual
elements used can be customized, however.

To enable highlighting on text in an element, include the processing
instruction `<?language ...?>` in the element, where `...` is the name
of the language.


-c, --classes <classes>  
Use a custom class definitions file.

-f, --overwrite  
Overwrite input XML file(s) instead of outputting to stdout.

-h, -?, --help  
Show help/usage message.

-s, --syntax <syntax>  
Use a custom syntax definitions file.

Show version information.

In addition, the following options allow configuration of the XML

Load the external DTD.

Remove any internal arbitrary parser limits.

Allow network access to load external DTD and entities.

Resolve entities.

Do XInclude processing.

--xml-catalog <file>  
Use an XML catalog when resolving entities. Multiple catalogs may be
loaded by specifying this option multiple times.


The following describes the format of the custom class file specified
with -c.


*Markup element:* <`classes`>


-   None

*Child elements:*

-   <`class`>


Represents a type of syntax and how it should be highlighted. This
element can also occur within the `syntax` element or within a
particular `language` element, in which case it is specific to that

*Markup element:* <`class`>


-   `id`, the identifier of the class.

*Child elements:*

The element `class` contains one child element of any kind, which any
matching syntax will be wrapped in to.

Example custom classes file

    <classes xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
    <class id="type">
    <fo:inline color="green"/>
    <class id="control">
    <fo:inline color="blue"/>
    <class id="string">
    <fo:inline color="red"/>
    <class id="comment">
    <fo:inline color="pink"/>


The following describes the format of the custom syntax file specified
with -s.


*Markup element:* <`syntax`>


-   None

*Child elements:*

-   `class`

-   `language`


Describes the syntax of a particular language.

*Markup element:* <`language`>


-   `name`, the identifier of the language.

-   `caseInsensitive`, indicates whether keywords are case-insensitive
    in this language, with one of the following values:

    -   `"no"` - Keywords are case-sensitive (default)

    -   `"yes"` - Keywords are case-insensitive

*Child elements:*

-   <`class`>

-   <`area`>

-   <`keyword`>


Matches a section of delimited text, such as strings, comments, etc.

*Markup element:* <`area`>


-   `start`, the opening delimiter.

-   `end`, the closing delimiter.

-   `class`, reference to the `class` element to use for this area.

*Child elements:*

If attribute `class` is not used, this element can contain one element
of any kind, in which the text matching the area will be wrapped.


Matches a particular keyword.

*Markup element:* <`keyword`>


-   `match`, the keyword to match.

-   `class`, reference to the `class` element to use for this keyword.

*Child elements:*

If attribute `class` is not used, this element can contain one element
of any kind, in which the text matching the keyword will be wrapped.

Example custom syntax file

    <language name="c">
    <area start=""" end=""" class="string"/>
    <area start="/*" end="*/" class="comment"/>
    <keyword match="if" class="control"/>
    <keyword match="else" class="control"/>
    <keyword match="int" class="type"/>
    <keyword match="char" class="type"/>


The following is a list of language syntaxes currently built-in to the

-   c

-   csharp

-   go

-   java

-   javascript

-   pascal

-   python

-   ruby

-   rust

-   sh

-   sql

-   xml

-   xsl

/ gopher://khzae.net/0/s1000d/xml/xml-utils/src/utils/xml-highlight/README.md
Styles: Light Dark Classic